Daily Archives: January 24, 2007

Eragon, The Varden, and you thoughts

Each of us have our own strengths and weaknesses.  I, for example, am a pretty good public speaker (that is a strength) but I find myself avoiding speeches because I  feel like I am very good at organizing my thoughts (weakness).  I am sure you all have an idea what you are most strong and confident about and where you need to improve your skills or build confidence.  Recognizing and improving on this kind of stuff is just part of life and getting better at things we do. 

Sometimes we can understand our own strengths and weaknesses better when we think about how others act in different situations. 

Take a few moments to think about why Eragon is so comfortable exploring the Spine (a strength for him) when everyone else in his village was afraid of the place (a weakness for everyone else)? What does the Spine represent to the other inhabitants of Carvahall? 

While reading yesterday we were introduced to a group of rebels called “The Varden”.  They are fighting against King Galbatorix for freedom.  Can rebel groups like The Varden be found today?  Where?  What are they doing that would make you think they are similar to The Varden?  Take a look at some news sites like The BBC Google News – Al Jazeera


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